The Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) is sponsoring the Combustion 2000 Program aimed at introducing clean and more efficient advanced technology coal-based power systems in the early 21st century. As part of this program, the United Technologies Research Center has assembled a seven member team to identify and develop the technology for a High Performance Power Systems (HIPPS) that will provide in the near term, 47% efficiency (HHV), and meet emission goals only one-tenth of current New Source Performance Standards for coal-fired power plants. In addition, the team is identifying advanced technologies that could result in HIPPS with efficiencies approaching 55% (HHV).
The HIPPS is a combined cycle that uses a coal-fired High Temperature Advanced Furnace (HITAF) to preheat compressor discharge air in both convective and radiant heaters. The heated air is then sent to the gas turbine where additional fuel, either natural gas or distillate, is burned to raise the temperature to the levels of modern gas turbines. Steam is raised in the HITAF and in a Heat Recovery Steam Generator for the steam bottoming cycle. With state-of-the-art frame type gas turbines, the efficiency goal of 47% is met in a system with more than two-thirds of the heat input furnished by coal. By using advanced aeroderivative engine technology, HIPPS in combined-cycle and Humid Air Turbine (HAT) cycle configurations could result in efficiencies of over 50% and could approach 55%.
The following paper contains descriptions of the HIPPS concept including the HITAF and heat exchangers, and of the various gas turbine configurations. Projections of HIPPS performance, emissions including significant reduction in greenhouse gases are given. Application of HIPPS to repowering is discussed.