Experimental and numerical investigations were carried out to gain a better understanding of the flow characteristics within an annular S-shaped duct, including the effect of the inlet boundary layer (IBL) on the flow. A duct with six struts and the same geometry as that used to connect compressor spools on our experimental small two-spool turbofan engine was investigated. A curved downstream annular passage with a similar meridional flow path geometry to that of the centrifugal compressor has been fitted at the exit of S-shaped duct. Two types of the IBL (i.e. thin and thick IBL) were used.

Results showed that large differences of flow pattern were observed at the S-Shaped duct exit between two types of the IBL, though the value of “net” total pressure loss has not been remarkably changed. According to “overall” total pressure loss, which includes the IBL loss, the total pressure loss was greatly increased near the hub as compared to that for a thin one. For the thick IBL, a vortex pair related to the hub-side horseshoe vortex and the separated flow found at the strut trailing edge has been clearly captured in the form of the total pressure loss contours and secondary flow vectors, experimentally and numerically. The high-pressure loss regions on either side of the strut wake near the hub may act on a downstream compressor as a large inlet distortion, and strongly affect the downstream compressor performance. There is a much-distorted three-dimensional flow pattern at the exit of S-Shaped duct. This means that the aerodynamic sensitivity of S-Shaped duct to the IBL thickness is very high. Therefore, sufficient carefulness is needed to design not only downstream aerodynamic component (for example centrifugal impeller) but also upstream aerodynamic component (LPC OGV).

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