Vortex shedding in a turbomachine blade row is affected by the passing of blades in the adjacent downstream blade row, but these effects have not been examined in the literature. A series of flow simulations has been performed to study vortex shedding in a turbine stage, and to quantify the blade interaction effects on the unsteady pressure response.

The numerical issues of spatial order of accuracy and the use of Newton subiterations were first investigated. Second order spatial accuracy was shown to be inadequate to accurately model the shedding frequency response and time-averaged base pressure. For the small time step employed for temporal accuracy, Newton iterations were shown to be unnecessary.

The effects of the adjacent blade row were examined by comparing the shedding frequency response for the stage simulations to the response for isolated cascades. The vane shedding was shown to occur exactly on a series of harmonics of the blade passing frequency for the stage case, compared to a single predominant frequency for the isolated cascade.

Losses were also examined in the wake region. It was shown that close to the trailing edge, losses were mainly due to wake mixing. Farther downstream of the trailing edge, losses were predominantly due to the trailing edge shock wave.

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