The performance of compressors can be enhanced by the judicious removal of the viscous boundary layer fluid from the flow path. Removal of the boundary layer fluid just prior to or in a region of rapid pressure rise, either at shock impingement or more generally at the point of rapid pressure rise on the suction surface of the blade, can give significant increases in the diffusion and therefore increase the work done per stage for a given blade speed. It also provides a thermodynamic benefit by removing the high-entropy fluid from the flow path. Design studies have been done using quasi 3-D viscous and 3-D Euler computational tools on a family of fan stages of varying tip speed that lake advantage of such viscous fluid removal. One stage in this family is a low tip speed fan stage designed to produce a pressure ratio of 1.5 at a tip speed of 700 ft/sec. Fan noise reductions resulting from the decrease in tangential Mach number, without sacrificing total pressure ratio, could make this design attractive for the fan of medium-bypass ratio engines. Another stage in the family would produce a total pressure ratio of 2.0 at a tip speed of 1000 ft/sec and could be very attractive as a fan stage on a lower bypass ratio engine or as a first stage of a low speed core compressor. The final stage in the family would achieve a pressure ratio of more than 3.0 at a tip speed of 1500 ft/sec and could be very attractive as a first stage of a core compressor, or as a fan for a military engine. A design for the suction passages to deal with the fluid removal has been completed for an experimental version of the 1.5 pressure ratio design. A tip shroud allows bleeding of the tip surface boundary layer from the rotor, and carries the fluid removed from the blade surfaces through the tip. One of these stages will be tested in the MIT Blowdown Compressor, serving a dual purpose: as a validation of the computational design process and as a test of the concept of aspirated compressors.

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