Experimental investigations of flow fields and losses in an axial flow compressor stage were carried out. The stage has hub/tip ratio of 0.7. The design values of flow coefficient and pressure coefficient are 0.6 and 0.81, respectively. Aerodynamic performance was investigated for two principal configurations: i) axial flow stage with variable rotor blades, ii) axial flow stage with variable inlet guide and stator vanes. The most efficient volume flow rate regulation of the stage was with the application of variable rotor blades.

On the basis of experimental data an analysis of the origin of flow separation on the suction and pressure surfaces of rotor and stator blades was made with the use of simple design criteria. The unsteady flow of rotating stall type in the tested stage appeared after simultaneous occurence of large stall regions in both rotor and stator blade rows. The existence of large stall regions in the IGV did not affect the rotating stall onset. At high values of the IGV stagger angle change (50 deg) pressure pulsations appeared due to the occurence of stall.

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