The performance of a high speed annular compressor cascade for different clearance gap sizes, with stationary or rotating hub wall is investigated. Five hole probe measurements, conducted at the inlet and outlet of the cascade, are used to derive blade performance characteristics, in the form of loss and turning distributions. Characteristics are presented in the form of circumferentially mass averaged profiles, while distributions on the exit plane provide information useful to interpret the performance of the blading. Static pressure distributions on the surface of the blades as well as inside the tip clearance gap have also been measured. A set of four clearance gap sizes, in addition to zero clearance data for the stationary wall, gives the possibility to observe the dependence of performance characteristics on clearance size, and establish the influence of rotating the hub. Overall performance is related to features of the tip clearance flow. Increasing the clearance size is found to increase losses in the clearance region, while it affects the flow in the entire passage. Wall rotation is found to improve the performance of the cascade.

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