The aerodynamics of a cascade of airfoils oscillating in torsion about the midchord is investigated experimentally at a large mean incidence angle and, for reference, at a low mean incidence angle. The airfoil section is representative of a modern, low aspect ratio, fan blade tip section. Time-dependent airfoil surface pressure measurements were made for reduced frequencies of up to 1.2 for out-of-phase oscillations at a Mach number of 0.5 and chordal incidence angles of 0° and 10°; the Reynolds number was 0.9×106. For the 10° chordal incidence angle, a separation bubble formed at the leading edge of the suction surface. The separated flow field was found to have a dramatic effect on the chordwise distribution of the unsteady pressure. In this region, substantial deviations from the attached flow data were found with the deviations becoming less apparent in the aft region of the airfoil for all reduced frequencies. In particular, near the leading edge the separated flow had a strong destabilizing influence while the attached flow had a strong stabilizing influence.
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ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition
June 10–13, 1996
Birmingham, UK
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Oscillating Cascade Aerodynamics at Large Mean Incidence
Daniel H. Buffum,
Daniel H. Buffum
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH
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Vincent R. Capece,
Vincent R. Capece
University of California, Davis, CA
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Aaron J. King,
Aaron J. King
University of California, Davis, CA
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Yehia M. El-Aini
Yehia M. El-Aini
Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL
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Daniel H. Buffum
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Vincent R. Capece
University of California, Davis, CA
Aaron J. King
University of California, Davis, CA
Yehia M. El-Aini
Pratt & Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL
Paper No:
96-GT-339, V005T14A034; 12 pages
Published Online:
February 6, 2015
Buffum, DH, Capece, VR, King, AJ, & El-Aini, YM. "Oscillating Cascade Aerodynamics at Large Mean Incidence." Proceedings of the ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. Volume 5: Manufacturing Materials and Metallurgy; Ceramics; Structures and Dynamics; Controls, Diagnostics and Instrumentation; Education; General. Birmingham, UK. June 10–13, 1996. V005T14A034. ASME.
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