Advanced, high-strength ceramics are finding increasing application in advanced heat engines. To ensure the long-term reliability of components made from these materials, subcritical crack growth (SCG) from inherent flaws has to be taken into account, as this has been identified as the primary failure mode under sustained loading.

In analyzing fast fracture data, data censoring is necessary to obtain estimates of the inherent strength distributions for competing failure-causing flaw populations. This is particularly important for ceramic designs, where size scaling is a necessary part of the design analysis. While data censoring has become common for fast fracture data, data censoring involving stress rupture data has yet to be widely applied. This paper describes fast fracture and stress rupture tests performed on an advanced silicon nitride ceramic, the test data and fractography results, censored data analysis for both types of data, derivation of the subcritical crack growth parameters, and application of these parameters to verification specimens. Implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies are also presented.

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