A closely-spaced array of hot-film gages fully covering both suction and pressure surfaces on the outlet stator of a 1.5-stage axial compressor was used to obtain dynamic measurements of wall shear stress. Observations were made over a range of Reynolds numbers at an incidence close to the design value. Various methods of presnting the data, including time-space contour plots of ensemble-average intermittency from the film gages are analyzed: related problems of interpretation are discussed. Extensive regions of laminar flow were identified on the suction surface: at the highest Reynolds number, small laminar patches were still evident at 85% chord and transitional flow covered up to 70% of suction surface length. The influence of passing rotor wakes on transition varied markedly with Reynolds number. The behavior of wake-induced transitional strips on the suction and pressure surfaces of the compressor blade differed significantly; their propagation characteristics also varied in some respects from those observed on turbine airfoils.

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