Performance evaluations of rocket engine turbopump drive turbines are difficult to obtain from turbopump or engine firings due to measurement limitations and operating point restrictions. The Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Turbine Test Equipment (TTE) was developed to provide an accurate, economical method of measuring the performance of full-scale turbopump gas turbines. By expanding air at pressures as high as 435 psia (3.0 MPa) to atmospheric conditions, the TTE provides metered air at nominal conditions of 100 psia (0.69 MPa), 550 °R (350 °K), and 15 lbm/sec (6.8 kg/sec) with run times of 100 seconds or greater. A 600 hp (448 kW) direct current dynamometer and gearbox provide turbine power absorption for speeds up to 14,000 rpm. This paper describes the MSFC TTE and its performance including the performance envelope, turbine inlet flow quality, and measurement uncertainty.

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