The research described in this paper is a numerical investigation of the effects of unsteady flow on gas turbine heat transfer, particularly on a rotor blade surface. The unsteady flow in a rotor blade passage and the unsteady heat transfer on the blade surface as a result of wake/blade interaction are modeled by the inviscid flow/boundary layer approach. The Euler equations which govern the inviscid flow are solved using a time accurate marching scheme. The unsteady flow in the blade passage is induced by periodically moving a wake model across the passage inlet. Unsteady flow solutions in the passage provide pressure gradients and boundary conditions for the boundary-layer equations which govern the viscous flow adjacent to the blade surface. Numerical solutions of the unsteady turbulent boundary layer yield surface heat flux values which can then be compared to experimental data. Comparisons with experimental data show that unsteady heat flux on the blade suction surface is well predicted, but the predictions of unsteady heat flux on the blade pressure surface do not agree.

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