The NASA Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility is sponsoring a flight research program designated Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control (HIDEC), whose purpose is to develop integrated flight-propulsion control modes and evaluate their benefits in flight on the NASA F-15 test aircraft.
The Adaptive Engine Control System (ADECS I) is one phase of the HIDEC program. ADECS I involves uptrimming the P&W Engine Model Derivative (EMD) PW1128 engines to operate at higher engine pressure ratios (EPR) and produce more thrust. In a follow-on phase, called ADECS II, a constant thrust mode will be developed which will significantly reduce turbine operating temperatures and improve thrust specific fuel consumption.
A Performance Seeking Control mode is scheduled to be developed. This mode features an onboard model of the engine that will be updated to reflect actual engine performance, accounting for deterioration and manufacturing differences. The onboard engine model, together with inlet and nozzle models, are used to determine optimum control settings for the engine, inlet, and nozzle that will maximize thrust at power settings of intermediate and above and minimize fuel flow at cruise.
The HIDEC program phases are described in this paper with particular emphasis on the ADECS I system and its expected performance benefits. The ADECS II and Performance Seeking Control concepts and the plans for implementing these modes in a flight demonstration test aircraft are also described. The potential pay-offs for these HIDEC modes as well as other integrated control modes are also discussed.