In this work, Fluid Topology Optimization (TO) is used to optimize flow uniformity for intake manifolds and heat exchangers of industrial gas turbines. In manifold intakes, the solver minimizes the inflow distortion to the intake, while preserving mass flow, minimizing losses, and adopting a design that can be manufactured with standard processes. The core of the methodology is an in-house Fluid Topology Optimization solver, ToffeeX, extended in this work to minimize the deviation between the velocity profile at the outlet and a specified target. The TO method relies on emulating the natural sedimentation process inside a design domain. The fluid dynamic system is numerically solved, and a scalar design variable is iteratively updated following a Lagrangian optimization approach which ensures meeting the constraints as well as the minimization of the objective functions. In this regard, the optimization is multi-objective. Pressure losses and flow profile variance are simultaneously minimized. At the end of the process, the design solution is the set of regions with high impermeability (solid structures). The optimizer generates coherent structures that channel the flow to match the velocity target while maintaining low-pressure losses. Different levels of complexity and deviation coefficient are shown accordingly with the relative weights imposed on the multi-objective optimization. Even though related theoretical modelling and similar approaches have been briefly described in the literature, this is the first time that the algorithm has been successfully applied to a realistic geometry with correct Reynolds and in its operating conditions.