
Affordability, reliability, and sustainability are the core properties for power generation towards a new energy system. Therefore, our Siemens Energy gas turbine technologies and our large operating service fleet are the backbone of our business. Siemens Energy, as Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), has developed the Advanced Turbine Efficiency Package (ATEP) to support the competitiveness of our SGT5-4000F gas turbines. The improvement of the combined cycle power output and efficiency helps to optimize fuel costs at constant power output to decarbonize existing assets and offers additional peak power in case of high electricity demand in fluctuating grids.

The ATEP turbine blades and vanes were developed based on a multi-point and multi-discipline optimization of the turbine section using the latest HL-class design tools and features from the Siemens Energy design chain. Since the ATEP upgrade is focusing on the existing fleet, the entire design process chain considered the constraints and limitations of the related SGT5-4000F customer assets. Thus, the ability to retrofit into service customer assets was ensured, while enabling remarkable performance benefits.

This paper describes the technical details of the ATEP upgrade, the underlying design approach, and summarizes the First Time Application (FTA) that was conducted in 2022 at the Enecogen 10 power plant in the Netherlands. Along with the related product verification and applied testing methods. In the results section, the testing results from the FTA are compared with the predicted Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Conjugated Heat Transfer (CHT) design values. Furthermore, the key performance parameters, power output and efficiency, are presented and classified via a comparison to appropriate baselines. Hereby, the ATEP upgrade’s capability for increasing gas turbine power output and efficiency was demonstrated within the FTA. Resulting in combined cycle application benefits of up to 40 MW additional power output and 1.5 %-pts efficiency increase. Through efficiency improvement ATEP upgrade is supporting asset decarbonization, while providing notable supplementary commercial benefits.

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