Detailed heat transfer measurements using transient liquid crystal thermography were performed on a novel cooling design covering the mid-chord and trailing edge region of a typical gas turbine blade under stationary and rotating conditions. The test section comprised of two channels with aspect ratio (AR) of 2:1 (mid-chord) and 4:1 (trailing edge), where the coolant was fed into the AR = 2:1 channel from the root. Rib turbulators with a pitch-to-rib height ratio (p/e) of 10 and rib height-to-channel hydraulic diameter ratio (e/Dh) of 0.075 were placed in the AR = 2:1 channel at an angle of 60° relative to the direction of flow. The coolant after entering this section was routed to the AR = 4:1 section through a set of crossover jets. The purpose of the crossover jets was to induce sideways impingement onto the pin fins that were placed in the 4:1 section to enhance heat transfer. The 4:1 section had a realistic trapezoidal shape that mimics the trailing edge of an actual gas turbine blade. The pin fins were arranged in a staggered array with a center-to-center spacing of 2.5 times the pin diameter in both spanwise and streamwise directions. The trailing edge section consisted of both radial and cutback exit holes for flow exit. Experiments were performed for a Reynolds number (ReDh(AR = 2:1)) of 20,000 at Rotation numbers (RoDh(AR = 2:1)) of 0, 0.1 and 0.14. The channel averaged heat transfer coefficient on trailing side was ∼28% (AR = 2:1) and ∼7.6% (AR = 4:1) higher than the leading side for Rotation number (Ro) of 0.1. It is shown that the combination of crossover jets and pin-fins can be an effective method for cooling wedge shaped trailing edge channels over axial cooling flow designs.