
A technique of representing and approximating of gas turbine engine (GTE) compressor maps is given. The aims of this study are to improve the efficiency of processing GTE test results and the reliability of GTE mathematical model.

The paper analyzes various approaches of approximating, presenting, and generalizing the characteristics of compressors. The advantages and limitations of the existing compressor maps approximation methods are summarized in the paper. A comparison of the obtained approximating method is carried out against previously developed methods.

Based on the performed analysis, a method is proposed for approximating of compressor maps, considering the requirements of identification of the GTE model. The resulting approximation method is based on the use of equations in a polar coordinate system. The study also analyzed the possibility of using the developed method in the system of thermodynamic calculations and analysis “ASTRA” (the program was developed at Samara University).

The developed approximation technique was tested on the experimental characteristics of the low- and high-pressure axial compressor. The estimation of the quality of the approximation was carried out using the standard deviation. It has been demonstrated that the obtained approximating functions describe the experimental data quite well. The obtained values of the standard deviation in the polar coordinate system were less than 10%.

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