
The effect of hydrogen enrichment of a premixed hydrogen-methane-air jet in hot vitiated crossflow was studied at atmospheric condition. The hot turbulent vitiated crossflow is generated by a symmetric array of 4 × 4 jet flames burning a lean mixture of natural gas and air in fully premixed condition at equivalence ratio φcf = 0.7 and total thermal power of 50 kW. This crossflow is then used to ignite the premixed perpendicular jet of hydrogen-methane-air at ambient temperature. Three jet parameters are varied to study the effect of hydrogen addition on the flame morphology and stabilization mechanism: the hydrogen mass fraction of the H2/CH4 fuel blend (ξ = 0 – 100%), the jet equivalence ratio (φ = 0.8 – 2.0) and the jet-to-crossflow momentum ratio (J = 3 – 12). High-speed hydroxyl (OH) chemiluminescence is used to obtain the time-resolved imaging of the reactive jet and to compute its time averaged morphology. OH planar laser induced fluorescence (OH-PLIF) is used to acquire OH concentration fields at the jet center plane. The jet morphology is analyzed by considering its mean trajectory, extracted from the experimental data and fitted with empirical correlations available from the literature. New correlations are proposed for the flame length, width and center of gravity as function of the hydrogen content. It is shown that with increasing hydrogen fraction, the flame is shortened and more compact, and it stabilizes close to the jet root. Another finding of this work is the reattachment of the flame at the base of the windward jet shear layer when hydrogen fraction is increased. Robust flame anchoring is observed for H2 mass fractions of the CH4/H2 fuel blend that exceed 50%. Moreover, it is shown using instantaneous OH-PLIF images that for these conditions of increasing hydrogen concentration, the windward shear layer features larger-scale coherent structures that govern the aerodynamics of the reactive premixed jet in turbulent vitiated crossflow.

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