Appropriate understanding of heat transfer and temperature distribution of gas-turbine compressor disks is very important for mechanical rotor design. Accurate prediction of disk metal temperatures is key to ensure safe operation and furthermore rotor tip clearances has a significant influence on the compressor efficiency. Despite great improvements in the prediction of fluid motion and heat transfer in complex systems, the increasingly demanding requirement for more efficient compressors demands more accurate understanding of the flow around those disks. Therefore, a research rig has been designed and built which has thermal and aerodynamic analogy to high pressure compressor rotor cavities in gas-turbine engines aiming at gathering data at engine representative conditions. The rig consists of two disks, a cylindrical shroud and a stationary inner shaft. To simulate those conditions a heating and chilling module has been designed to enable the emulation of disk thermal gradients. For changing the operating point a flow delivery system with ten valves and two air heaters will be used. By measuring the radial pressure distribution inside the cavity it is possible to calculate the tangential velocity of the fluid core. In addition to that the disc and fluid temperature inside the cavity will be measured by a telemetry system, as well as the inlet and outlet condition of the fluid entering and leaving the cavity.