
Lean-premixed combustion is commonly used in gas turbines to achieve low pollutant emissions, in particular nitrogen oxides. But use of hydrogen-rich fuels in premixed systems can potentially lead to flashback. Adding significant amounts of hydrogen to fuel mixtures substantially impacts the operating range of the combustor. Hence, to incorporate high hydrogen content fuels into gas turbine power generation systems, flashback limits need to be determined at relevant conditions. The present work compares two boundary layer flashback prediction methods developed for turbulent premixed jet flames. The Damköhler model was developed at University of California Irvine (UCI) and evaluated against flashback data from literature including actual engines. The second model was developed at Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) using data obtained at gas turbine premixer conditions and is based on turbulent flame speed. Despite different overall approaches used, both models characterize flashback in terms of similar parameters. The Damköhler model takes into account the effect of thermal coupling and predicts flashback limits within a reasonable range. But the turbulent flame speed model provides a good agreement for a cooled burner, but shows less agreement for uncooled burner conditions. The impact of hydrogen addition (0 to 100% by volume) to methane or carbon monoxide is also investigated at different operating conditions and flashback prediction trends are consistent with the existing data at atmospheric pressure.

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