
Strong hydrodynamic instabilities are often observed in rotating cavities of turbomachinery in the aerospace industry for specific thermal and operating conditions. This highly unsteady motion of the flow, often referred to as ‘pressure bands’ phenomenon can be detrimental and jeopardize the structural integrity of aeronautical engines by damaging turbomachinery components or turbopumps in the context of space applications. In order to avoid this fluid structure interaction, a deeper understanding of the stability of the flow of rotating cavities becomes compulsory. A few studies enabled to point out the spatial distribution and origins of such multi-frequency flow. However control solutions have not yet been set up. In this context, an academic stator/rotor cavity is studied in this paper with a sensitivity analysis to base flow modification based on linear stability analysis. This latter points out the regions of the stator boundary layer of each mode where the flow should be modified. Possible passive control strategies are then proposed from the interpretation of the results. The more relevant solution being suction and injection actuators directly introduced on the stationary disk of the cavity.

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