In the present paper, the synergistic combination of inter-cooling with pulsed detonation combustion is analyzed concerning its contribution to NOx and CO2 emissions. CO2 is directly proportional to fuel burn and can, therefore, be reduced by improving specific fuel consumption and reducing engine weight and nacelle drag. A model predicting NOx generation per unit of fuel for pulsed detonation combustors, operating with jet-A fuel, is developed and integrated within Chalmers University’s gas turbine simulation tool GESTPAN. The model is constructed using CFD data obtained for different combustor inlet pressure, temperature and equivalence ratio levels. The NOx model supports the quantification of the trade-off between CO2 and NOx emissions in a 2050 geared turbofan architecture incorporating intercooling and pulsed detonation combustion and operating at pressures and temperatures of interest in gas turbine technology for aero-engine civil applications.

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