In near future electrical power generation will still be supplied by fossil fuels. To reach the targets of the conference on climate change in Paris 2015 one method proposed is the CO2 sequestration and usage or alternatively storage.

Compared to coal-fired power station the amount of CO2 in the exhaust gas of gas turbine power station is much less and therefore more difficult to remove. To enhance the efficiency of the CO2-sequestration process enrichment of the CO2 in the exhaust gas could be a solution. This can be achieved by exhaust gas recirculation or by burning with pure O2 instead of air avoiding a lot of N2 in the exhaust gas, called Oxyfuel process.

The work concerns to investigations of a reheat gas turbine operating with flue gas recirculation as well as with Oxyfuel operation. The thermodynamic process has been modeled in detail considering the additional demand of cooling of the combustors and the turbines at Oxyfuel process. Additional combustion experiments have been carried out with flue gas recirculation as well as with Oxyfuel conditions burning Natural Gas with O2 in a CO2 environment to investigate the flame stability and extinction limit.

The thermophysical properties, like specific heat capacity and sound velocity, are strongly altered by the high content of CO2 and H2O in the fluid of the turbine as well as of the compressor. For example during Oxyfuel conditions the pressure ratio is expected to decrease to about 78% of air operation. The influence of flue gas recirculation and Oxyfuel process to the gas composition as well as to the heat transfer and exit conditions are discussed.

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