This paper describes a model to predict the nitric oxides (NOx) emissions for a dry non-premixed flame gas turbine combustor at full operation conditions. The NOx correlation considered the combustor pressure, the combustor outlet temperature and the fuel composition from natural gas (NG) to pure hydrogen (H2) fuel.

The test data for parametrizing the model was acquired with a high pressure combustion test rig for industrial 10 MWth reverse-flow gas turbine combustors. The experimental results confirm the typical dependencies of NOx emissions. As expected, higher NOx emissions occur with increasing combustor pressure, combustor outlet temperature and hydrogen content of the fuel.

The reference NOx model has been derived on the basis of physical approaches for the pressure and temperature effects. The substitution of natural gas with hydrogen is taken into account by a variable pressure exponent and a variable factor in the exponent of the exponential temperature correlation. As a result, the pressure exponent increases with increasing hydrogen. The temperature exponent factor decreases with increasing hydrogen. The model can describe the data set with limitations at high pressure and high hydrogen content fuel operation conditions.

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