The performance of film cooling designs is typically quantified by the adiabatic effectiveness, with results presented in terms of non-dimensional parameters such as the blowing ratio, momentum flux ratio, or velocity ratio of the coolant to the overflowing mainstream gas. In order to appropriately model experimental film cooling designs, the correct coolant flow parameter should be selected. In this work, a single row of axial round holes and shaped holes were placed in a flat plate and tested within a recirculating wind tunnel at low speeds and temperatures. Mainstream turbulence intensity and boundary layer thickness were set similar to expected engine conditions. The density ratio of the coolant was varied from 1.2 to 1.6 in order to independently vary the parameters listed above, which were tested at six different conditions for each density ratio. High-resolution IR thermography was used to measure adiabatic effectiveness downstream of the single row of cooling holes. The results indicate that adiabatic effectiveness performance of cylindrical and shaped holes are scaled most effectively using velocity ratio, providing much more accurate results then when the blowing ratio is used.

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