This paper examines the diffuser flow with consideration to turbine outflow conditions. The setup consists of a low-speed axial diffuser test rig, that represents a 1/10 scaled heavy-duty exhaust diffuser with an annular and a conical diffuser part. In part A of this paper it was shown through experimental investigation that the turbulent kinetic energy as well as the Reynolds shear stresses are the relevant physical parameters that correlate with diffuser pressure recovery. To complement the experimental investigations, unsteady scale-resolving CFD simulations are performed, applying the SST-SAS turbulence model. As a first step, the numerical approach is validated by means of the experimental data with regards to the diffuser’s integral parameters as well as the prediction of local flow characteristics. In a second step, the interaction of coherent vortices generated by the rotor and the diffuser’s boundary layer are analyzed by means of the validated SST-SAS results. These vortices are found to have a major impact on the boundary layer separation in the region immediately downstream of the rotor and at the diffuser inlet.

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