In gas turbine engines, film cooling holes are often fed by an internal cross-flow, with flow normal to the direction of the external flow around the airfoil. Many experimental studies have used a quiescent plenum to feed model film cooling holes and thus do not account for the effects of internal cross-flow. In this study, an experimental flat plate facility was constructed to study the effects of internal cross-flow on a row of cylindrical compound angle film cooling holes. Operating conditions were scaled, based on coolant hole Reynolds number and turbulence level, to match realistic turbine engine conditions. A cross-flow channel allowed for coolant to flow alternately in either direction perpendicular to the mainstream flow. Film cooling holes were operated at blowing ratios ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 at a density ratio of 1.5. There are relatively few studies available in literature that focus on the effects of cross-flow on film cooling performance, with no studies examining the effects of internal cross-flow on film cooling with round, compound angled holes. This study showed that significantly greater adiabatic effectiveness was achieved for cross-flow in the opposite direction of the span-wise direction of the coolant holes and provides possible explanations for this result.

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