The complex structures in the flow field of gas turbine film cooling increase the anisotropy of turbulence making it difficult to accurately compute turbulent eddy viscosity and scalar diffusivity.
An algebraic anisotropic turbulence model is developed while aiming at a more accurate modeling of the Reynolds stress and turbulent scalar flux. In this study the algebraic anisotropic model is validated by two in-house experiments. One is a leading edge with showerhead film cooling and the other is a vane with full coverage film cooling. Adiabatic film cooling effectiveness under different blowing ratios, density ratios and film cooling arrangements were measured using PSP technique. Four different turbulence models are tested and detailed analyses of computational simulations are performed.
Among all the turbulence models investigated, the algebraic anisotropic model shows better agreement with the experimental data qualitatively and quantitatively. The algebraic anisotropic model gives a good prediction of the vortex strength and turbulence mixing of the jet, therefore improves the prediction of the scalar field.