In this paper, two configurations of the S-CO2 Brayton cycles (i.e., the single-recuperated and recompression cycles) are thermodynamically modeled and optimized through a multi-objective approach. Two semi-conflicting objectives, i.e., cycle efficiency (ηc) and cycle specific power (Φsp) are maximized simultaneously to achieve Pareto optimal fronts. The objective of maximum cycle efficiency is to have a smaller and less expensive solar field, and a lower fuel cost in case of a hybrid scheme. On the other hand, the objective of maximum specific power provides a smaller power block, and a lower capital cost associated with recuperators and coolers. The multi-objective optimization is carried out by means of a genetic algorithm which is a robust method for multidimensional, nonlinear system optimization. The optimization process is comprehensive, i.e., all the decision variables including the inlet temperatures and pressures of turbines and compressors, the pinch point temperature differences, and the mass flow fraction of the main compressor are optimized simultaneously. The presented Pareto optimal fronts provide two optimum trade-off curves enabling decision makers to choose their desired compromise between the objectives, and to avoid naive solution points obtained from a single-objective optimization approach. Moreover, the comparison of the Pareto optimal fronts associated with the studied configurations reveals the optimum operational region of the recompression configuration where it presents superior performance over the single-recuperated cycle.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition
June 16–20, 2014
Düsseldorf, Germany
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Recuperated S-CO2 Brayton Cycles
Mahmood Mohagheghi,
Mahmood Mohagheghi
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
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Jayanta Kapat,
Jayanta Kapat
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
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Narasimha Nagaiah
Narasimha Nagaiah
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
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Mahmood Mohagheghi
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Jayanta Kapat
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Narasimha Nagaiah
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Paper No:
GT2014-27152, V03BT36A018; 11 pages
Published Online:
September 18, 2014
Mohagheghi, M, Kapat, J, & Nagaiah, N. "Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Recuperated S-CO2 Brayton Cycles." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 3B: Oil and Gas Applications; Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems; Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles; Wind Energy. Düsseldorf, Germany. June 16–20, 2014. V03BT36A018. ASME.
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