Solid particle ingestion is one of the principal degradation mechanisms in the turbine and compressor sections of gas turbines. In particular, in industrial applications, the micro-particles not captured by the air filtration system cause fouling and, consequently, a performance drop of the compressor. This paper presents three-dimensional numerical simulations of the micro-particle ingestion (0–2 μm) on an axial compressor rotor carried out by means of a commercial computational fluid dynamic code. Particles of this size can follow the main air flow with relatively little slip, while being impacted by flow turbulence. It is of great interest to the industry to determine which areas of the compressor airfoils are impacted by these small particles.

Particle trajectory simulations use a stochastic Lagrangian tracking method that solves the equations of motion separate from the continuous phase. Then, the NASA Rotor 37 is considered as a case study for the numerical investigation. The compressor rotor numerical model and the discrete phase treatment have been validated against the experimental and numerical data available in literature. The number of particles, sizes, and concentrations are specified in order to perform a quantitative analysis of the particle impact on the blade surface.

The results show that micro-particles tend to follow the flow by impacting at full span with an higher impact concentration on the pressure side. The suction side is affected only by the impact of the smaller particles (up to 1 μm). Particular fluid-dynamic phenomena such as separation, stagnation point and tip leakage vortex strongly influence the impact location of the particles.

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