Experimental investigations of the aerodynamic damping of compressor blades are usually performed by forcing the blades externally to a motion that is similar to a given mode shape and inter-blade phase angle (IBPA) while measuring the motion-induced unsteady pressure distribution. Evaluating this to an aerodynamic work entry from the fluid to the blade, at least a local contribution to the flutter (in-)stability can be determined. Test rigs are usually non-rotating linear or rotating annular cascade wind tunnels. In the latter case, besides measuring in and transmitting data out of the rotating system, the excitation of the blades themselves is still a challenge.
In the present case a blisk rotor with realistic fan blade geometries and flow conditions was investigated aeroelastically. For the excitation of the 1st bending (1F) mode shape of the blading a sector of five blades was chosen. In this sector the natural vibration of the blading, represented by constant vibration amplitudes and a given IBPA should be simulated. Therefore the blades were equipped with Macro Fiber Composites (MFC). These foils of piezoelectric material expand and contract due to the applied high voltage. A control system was developed to adjust the amplitude and the IBPA of the blade vibration. For the transmission of the high voltage, a separate data transmission system on the base of liquid metals was chosen. The blade vibration was measured by strain gauges and additionally monitored by a specific rig system.
The aeroelastic investigations were carried out in the compressor test facility M2VP of the DLR Institute of Propulsion Technology in Cologne. During the measurement, the MFCs were able to excite the blades to a certain extent. The paper will present the technique to excite the blades of a compressor blisk by means of MFCs as well as achieved vibration amplitudes and limitations under engine-like operating conditions.