A large-size centrifugal compressor test rig with an unshrouded impeller was established to investigate the flow field characteristics of the stage. However, the author’s previous researches indicated that there was a separation zone near the exit of the unshrouded centrifugal impeller, which was undesirable to assess the performance of the impeller and vaned diffuser respectively. In order to control the separation zone, the impeller was redesigned. Four kinds of available strategies, such as changing the loading distribution of the impeller blades, altering the meridian contour of the impeller, adjusting the design flow rate and the rotation speed of the stage and shrinking the casing at the entrance of the vaned diffuser were tried. It was demonstrated that by means of decreasing the shroud-side blade loading, increasing the nominal design flow rate and shrinking the shroudside casing of the diffuser, the separation zone near the impeller exit could be effectively suppressed to an acceptable extent.

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