One of the greatest challenges in modern aircraft propulsion design is the reduction of the engine noise emission in order to develop quieter aircrafts. In the course of a current research project, the sound transport in low pressure turbines is investigated. For the corresponding experimental measurements, a specific acoustic excitation system is developed which can be implemented into the inlet of a turbine test rig and into an aeroacoustic wind tunnel. This allows for an acoustic mode generation and a synthesis of various sound source patterns to simulate typical turbomachinery noise sources such as rotor-stator interaction, etc. The paper presents the acoustical and technical design methodology in detail and addresses the experimental options of the system. Particular attention is paid to the design and the numerical optimization of the acoustic excitation units. To validate the sound generator during operation, measurements are performed in an aeroacoustic wind tunnel. For this purpose, an in-duct microphone array with a specific beamforming algorithm for hard-walled ducts is developed and applied to identify the source locations. The synthetically excited sound fields and the propagating acoustic modes are measured and analyzed by means of modal decomposition techniques. The measurement principles and the results are discussed in detail and it is shown that the intended sound source is produced and the intended sound field is excited. This paper shall contribute to help guide the development of excitation systems for aeroacoustic experiments to better understanding the physics of sound propagation within turbomachines.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition
June 3–7, 2013
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Synthetic Sound Source Generation for Acoustical Measurements in Turbomachines
Michael Bartelt,
Michael Bartelt
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
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Juan D. Laguna,
Juan D. Laguna
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
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Joerg R. Seume
Joerg R. Seume
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
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Michael Bartelt
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Juan D. Laguna
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Joerg R. Seume
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Paper No:
GT2013-95045, V06CT39A005; 15 pages
Published Online:
November 14, 2013
Bartelt, M, Laguna, JD, & Seume, JR. "Synthetic Sound Source Generation for Acoustical Measurements in Turbomachines." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 6C: Turbomachinery. San Antonio, Texas, USA. June 3–7, 2013. V06CT39A005. ASME.
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