A numerical study of a state of the art leading edge cooling scheme was performed to analyze the heat transfer process within the leading edge cavity of a high pressure turbine airfoil. The investigated geometries account a trapezoidal supply channel with a large racetrack impingement holes. The coolant jets, confined among two consequent large fins, impact the leading edge internal surface and it is extracted from the leading edge cavity through both showerhead holes and film cooling holes. The CFD setup has been validated by means of the experimental measurements performed on a dedicated test rig developed and operated at University of Florence. The aim of this study is to investigate the combined effects of jet impingement, mass flow extraction and fins presence on the internal heat transfer of the leading edge cavity. More in details, the paper analyses the impact, in terms of blade metal temperature, of large fins presence and positioning. Jet’s Reynolds number is varied in order to cover the typical engine conditions of these cooling systems (Rej = 20000 – 40000).

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