Computing capacities have grown exponentially in recent years and 3D-Navier-Stokes methods were developed widely. However it is still not feasible to design a multi-stage compressor directly in three dimensions. Instead, compressor design starts with 1D-design. In accordance with this approach, basic parameters such as the number of stages and stage pressure ratios are determined. In the following 2D-design, the geometry of the flow channel and the main parameters of the blade geometries can be determined. Afterwards in the 3D-design, unsteady and 3D-flow-effects are considered and the design optimized accordingly. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to correct conceptual faults in the 3D-design phase. Thus a robust and reliable 2D-Throughflow-solver including a performance prediction for modern airfoil geometries is necessary. So far there is no efficient methodology known which predicts the performance for all kinds of airfoil geometries, as it would be necessary in a 2D-Throughflow optimization process. In [1, 2] a novel methodology was presented, which is able to predict the performance for a large number of airfoil geometries accurately. This method is based on a large airfoil database which is used to train a surrogate model for airfoil performance prediction. The scope of this work is to validate and to document the progress of this new approach. In Schmitz et al. [1] it was validated on rotor 1 of the 4.5 stage transonic test compressor DLR-RIG250 of the Institute of Propulsion Technology. In this work all 4.5 stages were calculated at different speedlines and different vane positions. The results of the S2-solver are compared to experimental data and 3D-CFD calculations, obtained using the DLR in-house solver TRACE.

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