Array of jets is an arrangement typically used to cool several gas turbine parts. Some examples of such applications can be found in the impingement cooling systems of turbine blades and vanes or in the turbine blade tip clearances control of large aeroengines. In order to correctly evaluate the impinging jet mass flow rate, the characterization of holes discharge coefficient is a compulsory activity.

In a previous work the authors have performed an aerodynamic analysis of different arrays of jets for active clearance control; the aim was the definition of a correlation for the discharge coefficient (Cd) of a generic hole of the array. The developed empirical correlation expresses the Cd of each hole as a function of the ratio between the hole and the manifold mass velocity and the local value of the pressure ratio. In its original form, the correlation does not take in to account the effect of the hole length to diameter ratio (t/d) so, in the present contribution, the authors report a study with the aim of evaluating the influence of such parameter on the discharge coefficient distribution. The data were taken from a set of CFD RANS simulations, in which the behaviour of the cooling system was investigated over a wide range of fluid-dynamics conditions (Pressure-Ratio = 1.01–1.6, t/d = 0.25–3). To point out the reliability of the CFD analysis, some comparisons with experimental data were drawn. An in depth analysis of the numerical data set has led to an improved correlation with a new term function of the hole length to diameter ratio.

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