CMAS (Calcium-Magnesium-Aluminosilicate) has shown to induce some deleterious effects on yittria-stabilized-zirconia (YSZ) based thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) of hot section components of aeroengines. The effects were shown to be dependent on the types and operating conditions of engines/components. The work presented here explored how CMAS would affect ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) in terms of strength degradation. Four different, gas-turbine grade CMCs were utilized including two types of MI SiC/SiCs and other two types of oxides/oxides (N720/aluminisilicate and N720/alumina). Test specimens in a simple flexure configuration were CMAS-treated at 1200 °C in air under either isothermal or thermal cycling condition. The effects of CMAS were quantified via residual strengths of treated test specimens. Strength degradation with respect to as-received strengths ranged from 10 to 20% depending on the types of CMCs. It was further observed that significant degradation of strength up to 90% occurred in an oxide/oxide CMC when sodium sulfate was added to CMAS.

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