The effect of blade frequency mistuning on the forced response of HPC-blisks is studied by means of experimental and numerical investigations applying discrete mechanical low degree of freedom models. Besides the mistuning resulting from manufacturing and inhomogeneous material also strain gauge (S/G) induced mistuning is considered. Blade by blade measurements supported by numerical calculations are used to determine mistuning distributions within an iterative approach. Due to the stiffness contribution of high temperature S/G, a significant increase of blade alone frequencies can be proved. It is shown within laser scanning measurements that this S/G induced mistuning can cause strongly localized mode shapes. Since S/G signals are used to monitor also non-instrumented blade resonances in engine-tests, it is reasonable to consider the S/G contribution within model-updates. The numerical models introduced in this paper are adjusted to experimentally determined blade alone frequency distributions. Within simulations of the forced response it is shown in principle, that the S/G-instrumentation also affects the response of non-instrumented blades which is important with regard to the S/G calibration process. Additional investigations are addressed to the consequences of small variations in measured mistuning distributions on the maximum forced response, i. e. resulting from a changing ambient temperature while measurement or a limited frequency resolution. In this context, a strong dependence on the engine order excited, the damping level and thus the flow conditions could be proved. As an example all investigations presented in this paper are carried out for two stages of a research compressor.

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