A new Simulink library, called GasTurboLib, containing blocks specialized for gas turbine modelling has been developed. Different engine configurations can be generated using GasTurboLib components and these models can be used for steady state and transient performance analysis. This paper describes the newly developed generic gas turbine simulation tool and presents experiences with modelling and simulation of single and twin shaft gas turbine engines. This library enables 0-D modelling, which is the simplest level of modelling but the most widely used in industry. This component-based modelling environment can be used to simulate start-up sequence, load change, control system design, power-system stability studies and real-time modelling. Traditionally, control method improvements are developed and validated through engine testing. The goal was to develop a functional engine model, which can be started, operated and shut down by a governor model, for the purposes of development of control methods and protection algorithms, thus providing considerable cost savings, as well as enabling better project progress through independence from the availability of test beds. It has been demonstrated that rapid model generation and reusability of components along with user-friendly graphical user interface make this simulation environment a valuable tool for gas turbine system performance analysis.

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