In order to achieve low levels of pollutants modern gas turbine combustion systems operate in lean and premixed modes. However, under these conditions self-excited combustion oscillations due to a complex feedback mechanism between pressure and heat release fluctuations can be found. These instabilities may lead to uncontrolled high pressure amplitude oscillations which can damage the whole combustor. The flame induced acoustic source terms are still analytically not well described and are a major topic of thermo-acoustic investigations. For the analysis of thermo-acoustic phenomena in gas turbine combustion systems flame transfer functions can be utilized. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and to investigate modeling parameters, which could influence a novel computational approach to reconstruct flame transfer functions known as the CFD/SI method. The flame transfer function estimation is made by application of a system identification method based on Wiener-Hopf formulation. Varying acoustic boundary conditions, combustion models and time resolutions may strongly affect the reconstructed flame response characterizing overall system dynamics. The CFD/SI approach has been applied to a generic gas turbine burner to derive a flame response. 3D unsteady simulations excited with white noise have been performed and the reconstructed flame transfer functions have been validated with experimental data. Moreover, the impact on the reconstructed flame transfer functions because of different boundary condition configurations has been examined.

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