This paper deals with the problem of energy utilization efficiency evaluation of a microturbine system for Combined Cooling, Heating and Power production (CCHP). The CCHP system integrates power generation, cooling and heating, which is a type of total energy system on the basis of energy cascade utilization principle, and has a large potential of energy saving and economical efficiency. A typical CCHP system has several options to fulfill energy requirements of its application, the electrical energy can be produced by a gas turbine, the heat can be generated by the waste heat of a gas turbine, and the cooling load can be satisfied by an absorption chiller driven by the waste heat of a gas turbine. The energy problem of the CCHP system is so large and complex that the existing engineering cannot provide satisfactory solutions. The decisive values for energetic efficiency evaluation of such systems are the primary energy generation cost. In this paper, in order to reveal internal essence of CCHP, we have analyzed typical CCHP systems and compared them with individual systems. The optimal operation of this system is dependent upon load conditions to be satisfied. The results indicate that CCHP brings 38.7 percent decrease in energy consumption comparing with the individual systems. A CCHP system saves fuel resources and has the assurance of economic benefits. Moreover, two basic CCHP models are presented for determining the optimum energy combination for the CCHP system with 100kW microturbine, and the more practical performances of various units are introduced, then Primary Energy Ratio (PER) and exergy efficiency (α) of various types and sizes systems are analyzed. Through exergy comparison performed for two kinds of CCHP systems, we have identified the essential principle for high performance of the CCHP system, and consequently pointed out the promising features for further development.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
May 14–17, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Evaluation of Energy Efficiency for a CCHP System With Available Microturbine
H. X. Liang,
H. X. Liang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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Q. W. Wang
Q. W. Wang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
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H. X. Liang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Q. W. Wang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Paper No:
GT2007-27883, pp. 969-975; 7 pages
Published Online:
March 10, 2009
Liang, HX, & Wang, QW. "Evaluation of Energy Efficiency for a CCHP System With Available Microturbine." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2007: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 3: Turbo Expo 2007. Montreal, Canada. May 14–17, 2007. pp. 969-975. ASME.
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