Hydrogen is crucial for the solution of future energy economy, and the development of mass and cheap production technology of hydrogen has become the central sector in overall hydrogen energy chain. For the abundance and renewability of biomass, it is of great potential to develop economically competitive and efficient biomass thermal conversion technology for hydrogen. One secondary decomposition process, combined with steam reforming, is proposed to the gaseous pyrolysis intermediate to promote hydrogen production. The method implements the sufficient utilization of hydrogen-containing components in biomass, while avoiding the influence of carbon towards the cracking of large molecule hydrocarbons. On the basis of self-energy-sustainability, hydrogen content in the product gas can be expected to reach 60 to 70 percent. From preliminary test on bench scale experimental system, hydrogen-rich gas with relatively small content of impunities was achieved, revealing the feasibility of the applied approach. The secondary decomposition of large molecule gaseous pyrolysis products and the steam reforming of some gas contents were proved to be effective in promoting the deep conversion of these components to hydrogen. When combined with efficent fuel cell system, the results of this work propose one prominent solution for the clean and local utilization of biomass.

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