An unsteady, three dimensional Navier-Stokes solution in rotating frame formulation for turbomachinery applications has been described. Casting the governing equations in a rotating frame enables the freezing of grid motion and results in substantial savings in computer time. Heat transfer to a gas turbine blade was computationally simulated by finite element methods and probabilistically evaluated in view of the several uncertainties in the performance parameters. The interconnection between the CFD code and finite element structural analysis code was necessary to couple the thermal profiles with the structural design. The stresses and their variations were evaluated at critical points on the turbine blade. Cumulative distribution functions and sensitivity factors were computed for stresses due to the aerodynamic, geometric, material and thermal random variables. These results can be used to quickly identify the most critical design variables in order to optimize the design and make it cost effective. The analysis leads to the selection of the appropriate materials to be used and to the identification of both the most critical measurements and parameters.

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