GE Energy’s new gas turbine, the MS5002E, is a 30 MW-class industrial gas turbine for mechanical drive and power generation applications. The MS5002E (fig.1) is the latest in the Frame5 two-shaft family and, while it retains some features from previous versions, the machine has been specifically designed for low environmental impact and high reliability, in direct response to customer demand for high efficiency and availability [1] & [2]. Main features for the MS5002E are: • 32 MW base load power at ISO inlet conditions (no losses); • 36% thermal efficiency; • 11-stage axial compressor and 17:1 pressure ratio; • reverse flow, six cans, Dry Low NOx (DLN2 technology) combustion system; • two-stages reaction type HP turbine; • two-stages PT leveraged from the LM2500+ HSPT (High Speed Power Turbine); • HP speed operating range 90% (6709rpm) / 101% (7529rpm); • PT speed operating range 50% (2857rpm) / 105% (6000rpm); • exhaust gas temperature (EGT): ∼510°C; • two-baseplates configuration (gas turbine flange-to-flange unit and auxiliary system); • integrated enclosure and baseplate, providing maximum accessibility for maintenance. The design of the MS5002E has been validated through an extensive test program which has included some key-test rigs such as the Rotordynamic Test, the CTV Test (full-scale axial compressor test) and numerous component and full-scale combustion tests in laboratory, conducted in advance of the First Engine to Test (FETT). The MS5002E First Engine to Test was initially started in January 2003 and the validation program has been completed with a full gas turbine teardown, dirty layout (visual and dimensional inspections for each major gas turbine component in as-is conditions) and NDT inspection in June 2004. During engine teardown, disassembly/assembly procedures and tools have been tested and validated. Additional endurance and operability testing is ongoing and will be completed by the end of 2005. The First Engine to Test is a complete equivalent-to-production package including gas turbine, auxiliaries and control system. For the test, a dedicated plateau has been built in Massa, Italy [3]. The gas turbine has been equipped with over 1400 direct measurement points (for a total of more than 2400 direct and indirect measurements) covering the flange-to flange, the package and auxiliaries. All critical-to-quality parameters, such as turbine gas path components temperatures and stresses, combustor temperatures and dynamics, performances and emissions, have been carefully verified by means of redundant instrumentation. This paper presents how the test program has been built on the GE Energy NPI (New Product Introduction) Development Process and how results from tests are fed back to the gas turbine design process. The paper discusses test rig and facilities layout, gas turbine operation experience and lessons learned. Results from the tests and measurements are also discussed.

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