Boundary layer measurements have been made on the concave surfaces of two constant curvature blades using hot wire anemometry. All the current experiments were performed with negligible streamwise pressure gradient. Grids were used to produce a range of freestream turbulence levels between 1% and 4%. The freestream velocity increases with distance from a concave wall according to the free vortex condition making the determination of the boundary layer edge difficult. A flat plate equivalent boundary layer procedure was adopted therefore to overcome this problem. The Taylor-Goertler (T-G) vortices resulting from the concave curvature were found to make the laminar and turbulent boundary layer profiles fuller and to increase the skin friction coefficent by up to 40% compared with flat plate values. This leads to a more rapid growth in boundary layer thickness. The evolution in the intermittency through transition is very similar to that for a flat plate, however the shape factors are depressed slightly throughout the flow due to the fuller velocity profiles. For all the current experiments, curvature promoted transition. This was very marked at low freestream turbulence level but remained significant even at the highest levels. It appears that the velocity fluctuations associated with the T-G vortices enhance the freestream turbulence resulting in a higher effective turbulence level. A new empirical correlation for start of transition based on this premise is presented. The ratio of end to start of transition momentum thickness Reynolds numbers was found to be approximately constant.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
June 14–17, 2004
Vienna, Austria
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Transition on Concave Surfaces
Antonis Dris,
Antonis Dris
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Search for other works by this author on:
Mark W. Johnson
Mark W. Johnson
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Search for other works by this author on:
Antonis Dris
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Mark W. Johnson
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Paper No:
GT2004-53352, pp. 33-38; 6 pages
Published Online:
November 24, 2008
Dris, A, & Johnson, MW. "Transition on Concave Surfaces." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 4: Turbo Expo 2004. Vienna, Austria. June 14–17, 2004. pp. 33-38. ASME.
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