High cycle fatigue (HCF) performance of turbine engine components has been known for decades to benefit from compressive surface residual stresses introduced through shot peening. However, credit for the fatigue benefits of shot peening has not been taken into account in the design of components. Rather shot peening has been used primarily to safe guard against HCF damage initiation. Recently, laser shock processing (LSP) and low plasticity burnishing (LPB) have been shown to provide spectacular fatigue and damage tolerance improvement by introducing deep (through-thickness) compression in critical areas. Until now, the fatigue benefits of these new surface treatments have been introduced during repair to improve an existing design. The present paper describes a design methodology and testing protocol* to take appropriate credit for the introduction of beneficial residual stresses into a component design to achieve optimal fatigue performance. A detailed design protocol has been developed that relates the introduction of a residual stress distribution using LPB for targeted HCF performance. This design protocol is applied to feature specimens designed to simulate the fatigue conditions at the trailing edge of a 1st stage low pressure compressor vane to provide optimal trailing edge damage tolerance. The use of finite element modeling, linear elastic fracture mechanics, and x-ray diffraction documentation of the residual stress field to develop LPB processing parameters is described. A novel adaptation of the traditional Haigh diagram to estimate the compressive residual stress magnitude and distribution to achieve optimal fatigue performance is described. Fatigue results on vane-edge feature samples are compared with analytical predictions provided by the design methodology. The potential for designing reduced section thickness of structural components leading to weight savings is discussed.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
June 14–17, 2004
Vienna, Austria
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Introduction of Residual Stresses to Enhance Fatigue Performance in the Initial Design
Paul Preve´y,
Paul Preve´y
Lambda Research, Cincinnati, OH
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N. Jayaraman,
N. Jayaraman
Lambda Research, Cincinnati, OH
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Ravi Ravindranath
Ravi Ravindranath
NAVAIR, Patuxent River, MD
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Paul Preve´y
Lambda Research, Cincinnati, OH
N. Jayaraman
Lambda Research, Cincinnati, OH
Ravi Ravindranath
NAVAIR, Patuxent River, MD
Paper No:
GT2004-53971, pp. 231-239; 9 pages
Published Online:
November 24, 2008
Preve´y, P, Jayaraman, N, & Ravindranath, R. "Introduction of Residual Stresses to Enhance Fatigue Performance in the Initial Design." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 2: Turbo Expo 2004. Vienna, Austria. June 14–17, 2004. pp. 231-239. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/GT2004-53971
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