This paper documents heat transfer rates on an aft loaded vane subject to turbulence generated by mock combustion configurations representative of recently developed catalytic and dry low NOx (DLN) combustors. New combustion systems developed for low emissions have produced substantial changes to the characteristics of inlet turbulence entering nozzle guide vanes. Aft loaded vane designs can have an impact on surface heat transfer distributions by accelerating boundary layers for a greater portion of the suction surface. Four different inlet turbulence conditions with intensities ranging up to 21 percent are documented in this study and vane heat transfer rates are acquired at vane exit chord Reynolds numbers ranging from 500,000 to 2,000,000. Heat transfer distributions show the influence of the turbulence conditions on heat transfer augmentation and transition. Cascade aerodynamics are well documented and match pressure distributions predicted by a commercial CFD code for this large scale low speed facility. The aft loaded vane pressure distribution exhibits a minimum value at about 50 percent arc on the suction surface. Laminar heat transfer augmentation in the stagnation region and on the pressure surface have scaled well on theoretical parameters based on turbulence intensity, Reynolds number, and energy scale. Predictive comparisons are shown based on a two-dimensional boundary layer code using an algebraic turbulence model for augmentation as well as a transition model. This comprehensive vane heat transfer data set is expected to represent an excellent test case for vane heat transfer predictive methods.

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