The paper describes the compact low-temperature analogue burner designed for fire integrity testing. The low-temperature analogue burner has been improved in order to make the test procedures easier, faster and more accurate. The use of a thermally thin faceplate at the burner nozzle eliminates the requirement for a warm up phase that was previously required and thus negates the need for a shutter. Less helium and time is needed for the whole operation. The new compact burner also provides improved accessibility for instrumentation and camera views. A new image processing technique has been developed to simultaneously map the distributions of heat transfer coefficient (h) and adiabatic wall temperature (Taw) across the surface of the model using multiple liquid crystal coatings and varying gas temperatures. Measurements of h and Taw distributions made on a flat plate using the compact burner are reported.
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ASME Turbo Expo 2001: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
June 4–7, 2001
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- International Gas Turbine Institute
Compact Low-Temperature Analogue of Aero Engine Fire-Certification Burner
Abd. Rahim Abu Talib,
Abd. Rahim Abu Talib
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
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Andrew J. Neely,
Andrew J. Neely
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
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Peter T. Ireland,
Peter T. Ireland
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
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Andrew J. Mullender
Andrew J. Mullender
Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK
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Abd. Rahim Abu Talib
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Andrew J. Neely
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Peter T. Ireland
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Andrew J. Mullender
Rolls-Royce plc., Derby, UK
Paper No:
2001-GT-0364, V001T01A003; 8 pages
Published Online:
July 30, 2014
Talib, ARA, Neely, AJ, Ireland, PT, & Mullender, AJ. "Compact Low-Temperature Analogue of Aero Engine Fire-Certification Burner." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2001: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 1: Aircraft Engine; Marine; Turbomachinery; Microturbines and Small Turbomachinery. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. June 4–7, 2001. V001T01A003. ASME.
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