The aim of this paper is to understand the time averaged pressure field and unsteady pressure patterns in a high speed centrifugal compressor channel diffuser. Pressure distributions from the impeller exit to the channel diffuser exit are measured and discussed for various flow conditions. Unsteady pressure signals from six fast-response sensors in the channel diffuser are analyzed by decomposition method and wavelet transform. Measured results are shown for various operating condition from choke to surge that the effect of operating condition is well discussed.

The strong non-uniformity in the pressure distribution is obtained over the diffuser shroud wall caused by the impeller-diffuser interaction. As the flow rate increases, flow separation near the throat, due to large incidence angle, increases aerodynamic blockage and reduces the aerodynamic flow area downstream. Thus the minimum pressure location occurs downstream of the geometric throat, and it is named as the aerodynamic throat. And at choke condition, normal shock occurs downstream of this aerodynamic throat. The variation in the location of the aerodynamic throat is discussed.

The pressure ratio waveforms by blade passing show regular oscillation not only for the normal but also for the surge conditions and the high frequency fluctuations are superposed on the oscillating pressure waveform as the flow rate increases. Periodic unsteadiness by blade passing does not decay in the diffuser channel. It depends on the operating point and is generally larger in the channel than in the vaneless space. Aperiodic unsteadiness rapidly decrease downstream of diffuser channel.

At surge, the spectrum becomes broad banded with peaks at the surge frequency as well as blade passage frequency and the impeller rotating frequency. The surge signal was analyzed using wavelet transform and it is found that surge signal is composed of not only surge scale and blade scale but also multi-scale aperiodic waves. The broadband spectrum in surge condition is due to this multi-scale aperiodic waves.

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