Previous studies have shown that the pseudo-bipolar design of the bi-cell is composed of two outside anodes and two inside cathodes that share a common PZT vibrating device used to pump the airflow. The bi-cell is operated by three modes of PZT-actuating process as pump mode (Pc > Pout > Pin), supply mode (Pout > Pin > Pc), and transition mode (Pout > Pc > Pin). In this study, a single module of piezoelectric PEMFC honey comb composed of 6 bi-cells on each inside wall of the honey comb has been developed to deliver the net power output 7.5W. The hydrogen storage tank is located in the middle duct of one honey comb with hydrogen supply valves and pipelines. Furthermore, for the required power output, the honey comb stack can be designed as erect-stack or planar-stack by assembling different number modules. Comparing with other polygons, the stronger honey comb stack can be designed to fit in the limited space and coupled with the fuel supply system or other power output system, for example, LED lights.

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