The performance of novel yttrium-doped SrTiO3 (Sr0.86Y0.08TiO3, SYT) anode materials for an anode supported SOFC have been evaluated in terms of fuel flexibility and reversible operation at intermediate temperature (800°C). The SYT anode supported PEN structures were fabricated using tape casting, dip coating and screen printing for the anode substrate, electrolyte and cathode, respectively. Overall performance of SYT-YSZ composite anode supported cells indicates that this anode material set is not likely to be an outstanding performer, mainly due to the significant anode polarization losses and relatively high ohmic losses. With careful processing of the anode during cell fabrication, major parts of the ohmic losses introduced by the SYT anode can be reduced. The results also indicate that Ni infiltration of the SYT anode can lead to smaller polarization losses, thus achieving better cell performance.

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